
Meeting your challenges at every step
Like businesses the world over, healthcare organisations are facing a future of shrinking budgets. IT departments must operate and integrate more systems than ever before. Meanwhile, a vast amount of data must be stored securely to ensure compliance with stricter regulations concerning patient confidentiality.
We strongly believe that technology has a key role to play in making organisations more patient centric and improving quality of care. Centered around the fascination of the spectrum of light, optics and digital sensor technology, we have being working closely with healthcare organisations for over 70 years, in order to develop innovative technological solutions to meet different needs, from better document management to dedicated eye care and digital radiography solutions.
Our solutions and services
Championed by the European Commission, eHealth is seen as the solution. As a leader in the field, Canon offers healthcare organisations of all sizes the secure solutions to improve workflows and transform patient care. The implementation of innovative digital workflow solutions, make everyday activities more efficient, improve back office processes and help healthcare professionals deliver high quality care.
At Canon we invest 8% of our annual turnover in R&D, developing new technologies that meet specific healthcare industry standards, such as DICOM and HL7. Research shows that 60% of European healthcare professionals envisage widespread adoption of mobile technology in the near future*. That is why Canon continues to invest in services and solutions that will assist healthcare professionals, both today and tomorrow.